Thursday, December 6, 2012

Least Most Vulnerable

So I was walking in the park yesterday, where there is a gravel path. And I got sick of the stroller bouncing around in the gravel, with the little guy's head bouncing right along with it, so I took to the road for a stretch. The path and road are close to each other and parallel. There are some things you can drive to, but keep in mind this is a park. Okay.

As I was walking along I passed an older man walking towards me. He was tall and lean and looked like he could be a Vietnam vet or something. We nodded politely at each other. As I continued, there came a time when I was aligned with two oncoming cars. Naturally they both had to slow a bit so we could all fit across. The speed limit is posted at 20, but naturally no one drives the speed limit, especially when the speed limit is 20. After the car going my direction got about 10 yards past me, the driver leaned out slightly and sort of softly said, "The walking path is over there."

I thought for a moment and then just sort of waved in his direction. Like, thanks but no thanks. Then I thought some more. Do you think he told the Vietnam vet where the path was? Or the next guy I passed walking towards me on the road, the young one with about 220 pounds of muscle?

No, we only pick on people we think are weaker than we are. That was my realization.

That was my experience working as a hostess in a restaurant. A man at the door is the owner, a woman at the door is just a "doh ho" (i.e. door whore). She is probably an idiot with minimal competence at her job and in life. Why else does she work as a greeter at a restaurant?

But then I thought, what if I had been in a wheelchair? That guy would not have told me where the "walking path" was. It seems to me that a woman with a baby stroller is the least most vulnerable person to pick on. She's physically capable, and most likely "just a mom." If you think there's nothing wrong with being "just a mom," I agree with you. But when was the last time you heard those words and took it as a compliment?

So I had my first "I'm just a mom" moment. And I didn't feel so bad about going back to work in a month.

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